
Homerathon 2021

Ended May 3, 2021

Full course description

**NOTE**:  As of 4/13/2021, we now need people to help fill spots left by particpants who can no longer participate! Please enroll and then fill out the "Request for Lines" form on the UILearn site. Once you do this, you'll get a confirmation email with your lines!

Homerathon 2021 is organized by the University of Iowa Department of Classics and Eta Sigma Phi, the undergraduate honors society for classics students. Under normal situations, it is read aloud in person in a public spot on UI's campus. In spring 2020, when the COVID-19 pandemic started, we moved the event online and over 100 participants read the Odyssey. You can watch the result on our YouTube site ( This year (2021) we're keeping the virtual format and reading just the Iliad (in English translation, of course!). Between March 1 and April 15 2021, participants like you can sign up here, record themselves reading an assigned selection from the Iliad, and upload their video. Videos are due by April 16th and we'll compile the individual readings. The completed video will be released for the public on our YouTube channel on April 30th.